Book Review: Outlive Your Life
Outlive Your Life: You Were Made to Make A Difference by Max Lucado Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2010 In the Discussion and Action Guide that comes at the end of “Outlive Your Life,” David Drury states that “Max [Lucado] wants you to do more than read the book of Acts. He wants you to live out […]
Book Review: Stories for the Homeschool Heart
Stories for the Homeschool Heart Compiled and Edited by Patti Maguire Armstrong and Theresa A. Thomas Waterford, MI: Bezalel Books, 2010 As the title suggests, “Stories for the Homeschool Heart: Heavenly Stories of Inspiration, Hope and Joy” is a compilation of stories by homeschoolers and friends of homeschoolers intended to bring support and encouragement to […]
Envy in the Days of Social Networking
We all have the sins that give us the most grief. You all know what your particular Achilles heels are – they are the sins that you say in confession over and over and over again. Unfortunately, envy has always been one of mine. It waxes and wanes, but every now and then it feels […]
Book Review: God Moments
God Moments: Stories that Inspire, Moments to Remember by Michele Elena Bondi Rochester: Joseph Karl Publishing, 2010 Have you ever experienced a “God Moment?” – a time in your life when God worked behind the scenes to move things in a certain direction. Some people refer to these as coincidences, mere situations of chance. For […]
Book Review: Christmas is About Jesus
Christmas is About Jesus: An Advent Devotional by Mukkove Johnson Tate Publishing, 2009 It might seem a bit early to be thinking about Christmas, but Advent will be here before we know it, along with all the hustle and bustle that goes along with that time of year. “Christmas is About Jesus” is a lovely […]
Book Review: “Everyday Wisdom”
Everyday Wisdom (Spiritual Refreshment for Women) by Joan C. Webb Barbour Publishing, 2010 “Everyday Wisdom” is one of those delightful little devotional books that fits easily into a purse or briefcase. Featuring quotes from Proverbs and short reflections on those quotes, it provides quick bursts of wisdom. Well-organized by topic, it is easy to find […]
In Honor of St. Martha
St. Martha, whose feast day falls on July 29th, has something of a poor reputation. The first thing people tend to think about when they hear her name is her being chastised by the Lord. Her sister Mary was sitting at Jesus’ feet, hanging on his every word while Martha was busy doing housework and […]
Book Review: Win it All
Win It All: The Way to Heaven for Catholic Teens by Justin Fatica Notre Dame: Ave Maria Press, 2010 Catholic Evangelist Justin Fatica has made it his life’s mission to reach out to teens with an extremely counter-cultural message, that what matters in this life isn’t money or fame or popularity, but rather living in […]
Book Review: Walking Together
Walking Together: Discovering the Catholic Tradition of Spiritual Friendship by Mary DeTurris Poust Notre Dame: Ave Maria Press, 2010 Our world does not seem to allow for deep friendships today. Family and friends are often separated by physical distance. Our lives are so busy that even keeping up with people via electronic means can be […]
Ignore this Alarm at Your Own Risk
My family and I were shopping at our local mall today when the fire alarm suddenly went off. While not ear-piercing, it was very loud, and there were strobe lights going off everywhere. Truly, there was no way to miss it. We were done our shopping and heading out of the mall when this occurred. […]