Book Review: Difficulties in Mental Prayer
I recently had the pleasure of reading Difficulties in Mental Prayer: A New Edition of a Classic Guide to Meditaion by M. Eugene Boylan, O.C.R. Ave Maria Press has issued a new edition of this work which was first published in 1943. Obviously the world has changed a great deal in nearly seventy years. The […]
What the Last Harry Potter Movie Got Wrong
Spoiler alert: Please do not read this article if you have not read the books and plan to see the last movie. I came to the Harry Potter books late. I didn’t read them until my children wanted to read them. As a result, unlike those who had to wait patiently or not so patiently […]
In the Midst of Spiritual Labor
We know that all creation is groaning in labor pains even until now; and not only that, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, we also groan within ourselves as we wait for adoption, the redemption of our bodies. (Romans 8: 22-23) This passage from St. Paul to the Romans is […]
Finding God in the Housework
I do not enjoy housework. Not even a little bit. Just yesterday I was telling the young lady who lives next door to me that I wished I had a magic wand that I could simply wave and have a clean house! Alas, that is not the case and I do have to put things […]
Book Review: Come My Beloved
Come My Beloved: Inspiring Stories of Catholic Courtship by Ellen Gable Hrkach and Kathy Cassanto When I was asked to review “Come My Beloved: Inspiring Stories of Catholic Courtship,” I wasn’t sure what to expect. I find reading “courtship” stories difficult because my experience of dating was so far removed from that ideal. Yet, despite […]
Waiting on God
The first readings for the daily liturgies this week tell the story of Abram and his family. On Monday, God promises that Abram’s descendents will inherit the land he has brought him to. He was seventy-five years old at this point. Tuesday, God makes the promise again.” I will make your descendants like the dust […]
The School of the Family
It’s always painful to read a book that makes you feel like you have failed /are failing in every way that truly matters. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t read it. I felt that way after reading “School of the Family” by Chantal R. Howard. Howard has had an eventful life. Although still only in her […]
When Tragedy Hits Home
On the afternoon of June 1st, my hometown of Springfield, MA was hit by a F3 tornado. Many other local towns and cities were hit as well. New England isn’t known for its tornadoes. Blizzards? Yes. Tornadoes? No. Yet, remarkably, there was relatively little loss of life. While the few that were lost will be […]
Is Extreme Couponing Moral?
My sons and I have recently been watching “Extreme Couponing” on TLC. For those of you unfamiliar with the program, it showcases people who have turned using coupons into a career. They save their families thousands of dollars each year via the use of coupons. Most of the episodes we have watched feature grocery totals […]
Book Review: “Angelic Tails”
Angelic Tails: True Stories of Heavenly Canine Companions by Joan Wester Anderson Chicago: Loyola Press, 2011 Joan Wester Anderson, who has written several best-selling books on angels and miracles, was inspired to write “Angelic Tails: True Stories of Heavenly Canine Companions” after reading the story of St. John Bosco and his guardian angel “Grigio” – […]