What if You are Still in the Desert?
The Lord is Risen! Alleluia! The Church on Easter Sunday was festively decorated. Flowers were everywhere. The purple was gone. The Easter Candle was shining brightly. The “Gloria” and “Alleluia” were sung with great enthusiasm. There was joy and celebration everywhere! This is as it should be. If only life was as neat as the […]
The Role of Pain in Driving Behavior
Guest Post by Hrvoje Butkovic Just the other day I lived through what, on the surface of it, would appear to be a traumatic event. Someone whom I care about deeply and whose friendship is dearly important to me announced that he was so unhappy with me that he was no longer willing to consider […]
What about Purgatory?
Purgatory is one of those things we don’t hear about very much anymore. In fact, a recent survey conducted by US Catholic indicted only 73% of Catholics believe purgatory even exists (interestingly enough, 77% believe that their prayers can help those in purgatory get to heaven). I can understand how the idea of purgatory makes […]
Sharing Other’s Suffering
Christ suffers in solidarity with every soul, and we can suffer in solidarity with Him. We are never alone, though we may feel forsaken. Christ shows us that He is one with us in our sorrow and pain, no matter how alone we feel. We are all wounded, broken, suffering in some way, and even […]
Prayer: Why?
I came across this prayer in a book called The Questioner’s Prayer by Bishop Robert J. Baker Lord, hear my cry; listen to my question – “why?” For it rises to You from the depth of my heart, as a prayer from one who truly believes in You, but experiences You right now as far […]
Prayer for Widows
God the Father, we offer you the rest of our time on earth and this day, that we may serve with love and come to eternal life. May our husbands be blessed on their journey in eternity and everyone in our families be saved. Holy Spirit, be a comfort to all widows, especially the newly […]
Book Review: For the Tough Times
For The Tough Times: Reaching Toward Heaven for Hope by Max Lucado Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2008 For The Tough Times: Reaching Toward Heaven for Hope is one of those little books that packs a big punch. We all have hard times in life, times when we feel like God doesn’t care and times when […]
Building a Culture of Life One Heart at a Time
The mission statement of the Sisters of Life states that they are “a contemplative/active religious community dedicated to protecting and advancing a sense of the sacredness of all human life — beginning with the infant in the womb and extending to all those vulnerable to the threat of euthanasia.” Founded by John Cardinal O’Connor in […]
A Wonderful, Imperfect, Life
“Mom, what is this movie about?” a child asked his mother as “It’s a Wonderful Life” was just beginning. “It’s about a man who is in trouble through no fault of his own and he wishes that he had never been born. He thinks other people’s lives would be better that way. But an angel […]
When Moms Fail
by Heidi Hess Saxton I recently came across this article from ABC News (http://www.localnews8.com/Global/story.asp?S=9163584&nav=menu554_2_3), about an adoptive mother who has been sentenced to fifteen years in prison for the March 2008 death of her 14-month-old son, who had Down syndrome. The family had adopted little Nicoli and another four-year-old from Russia; both boys were medically fragile. […]