Women’s Stations of the Cross
During this season of Lent, I invite you to spend some time meditating on Jesus’ road to Calvary, and on the ways we can better carry our own crosses in life. 1. Jesus is Condemned to Death Jesus stood before Pilate an innocent man yet he was condemned to death. Dear Lord, help me to […]
Book Review: 12 Strong Women of God and The Jesus Women
Looking for a book for your women’s Bible study? Look no further. 12 Strong Women of God: Biblical Models for Today which focuses on Biblical women of the Old Testament, and The Jesus Women which focuses on the New Testament, will provide much inspiration and food for thought and discussion. Marci Alborghetti creates a compelling […]
Five Ways to Use Facebook as a Force for Good
Facebook has been in the news a lot the past couple of weeks. While much of that news concerns the terms of service, in Catholic circles the debate has been about giving Facebook up for Lent. The push behind that movement is that, for many people, Facebook has become an addiction. They have been neglecting […]
Book Review: Happy Soul Industry
To review or not to review, that is always the question. I generally make a point of reviewing only books I like and can recommend without reservation. I did like The Happy Soul Industry by Steffan Postaer, but I definitely have reservations about recommending it. The book has a great premise – God is in […]
Fasting vs. Loving One’s Neighbor
I once ate chicken pot pie on Good Friday. It was the day I got home from the hospital after the birth of my first child. My very kind non-Catholic neighbor made us a welcome home dinner. I did a quick mental appraisal of the situation. I could either stick with the Good Friday rules […]
Bonding with God – Even When You are Happy
Guest Post by Holly McCarthy We human beings are a selfish lot – we seek out others only when we need them for some reason or the other. And this is exactly the same attitude we take when it comes to forging a relationship with God. We seek his blessings only we want something; we […]
Book Review: Souls at Rest
Souls at Rest: An Exploration of the Idea of Sabbath by Charlotte Ostermann, 2008 Charlotte Ostermann invites us to take a deeper look at the Sabbath day in “Souls at Rest: An Exploration of the Idea of Sabbath.” While it certainly can be read straight through, it is intended to be used as part of […]
Time for Sabbath Rest?
It is not news that we live in a 24/7 world. For the majority of us, it seems like there is always too much to do and not enough time to do it in. In light of those realities, the idea of taking a whole day for worship, rest, and relaxation seems rather anachronistic. Yet, […]
Prayer: Why?
I came across this prayer in a book called The Questioner’s Prayer by Bishop Robert J. Baker Lord, hear my cry; listen to my question – “why?” For it rises to You from the depth of my heart, as a prayer from one who truly believes in You, but experiences You right now as far […]
Book Review: This Flowing Toward Me
This Flowing Toward Me: A Story of God Arriving in Strangers by Marilyn Lacey, R.S.M. Ave Maria Press, 2009 Reviewed by Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur I admit it – strangers scare me. After all, we are taught from the time we are little not to talk to strangers. When confronted with a ragged looking beggar on the […]