Oscar Romero’s Prayer
The Pastoral Minister at my parish used this prayer to open our Parish Council meeting on Monday night. It is attributed to Oscar Romero, but he borrowed it from Cardinal Deardon who received it from Bishop Kenneth Untner. Regardless of its origin, there is a great deal of wisdom here. It helps, now and then, […]
Book Review- “Bless Me, Father, For I Have Kids”
We Catholics can sometimes take ourselves a little too seriously. God has a sense of humor, however, and so should we. Susie Lloyd will have mothers, especially homeschooling mothers, laughing out loud with her latest offering “Bless Me, Father, For I Have Kids” (Sophia Institute Press, 2009). Susie Lloyd is a forty-something homeschooling mother of […]
Interview with Donna Lee Schillinger, Author of “On My Own Now”
A couple weeks ago, I had the pleasure of reviewing On My Own Now by Donna Lee Schillinger. Now, I am pleased to present the following interview. Can you tell us a little about yourself and how long you’ve been writing? A born and bred Texan, I have a bachelor’s degree in behavioral science from […]
Book Review: On My Own Now
On My Own Now: Straight Talk from the Proverbs for Young Christian Women who Want to Remain Pure, Debtfree and Regretfree by Donna Lee Schillinger Quilldriver, 2009 Reviewed by Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur Donna Lee Schillinger is a married homeschooling mom who has served in the Peace Corps and worked as an executive director of a homeless […]
Understanding the “Good Shepherd” a Little Bit More
The Gospel reading for today (John 10: 11-18) features the image of Christ as the Good Shepherd. It was one that we are all familiar with. “I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep. . . I know my own and my own know me.” We can understand […]
The Choices We Make
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the choices we make in life. On any given day, we make any number of choices. Many are inconsequential – Cheerios or toast for breakfast, the red or black shoes, etc. Then, there are the decisions that change the course of one’s whole life – who to date, […]
Book Review: “Sabbath”
Sabbath: The Ancient Practices by Dan B. Allender Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2009 What would you do with a day dedicated to delight? That is the question that Dan B. Allender poses in “Sabbath,” one of the books in the “Ancient Practices Series” edited by Phyllis Tickle and published by Thomas Nelson. Allender’s take on […]
Children as Spiritual Directors
Over five years ago, I nervously went to an open house at a local center for spiritual direction with my two and a half year old in tow (mercifully, I was able to leave the 10 month old at home!). I knew little about spiritual direction at that point other than what I read in […]
What if You are Still in the Desert?
The Lord is Risen! Alleluia! The Church on Easter Sunday was festively decorated. Flowers were everywhere. The purple was gone. The Easter Candle was shining brightly. The “Gloria” and “Alleluia” were sung with great enthusiasm. There was joy and celebration everywhere! This is as it should be. If only life was as neat as the […]
The Role of Pain in Driving Behavior
Guest Post by Hrvoje Butkovic Just the other day I lived through what, on the surface of it, would appear to be a traumatic event. Someone whom I care about deeply and whose friendship is dearly important to me announced that he was so unhappy with me that he was no longer willing to consider […]