Five Ways to Use Facebook as a Force for Good
Facebook has been in the news a lot the past couple of weeks. While much of that news concerns the terms of service, in Catholic circles the debate has been about giving Facebook up for Lent. The push behind that movement is that, for many people, Facebook has become an addiction. They have been neglecting […]
Building a Culture of Life One Heart at a Time
The mission statement of the Sisters of Life states that they are “a contemplative/active religious community dedicated to protecting and advancing a sense of the sacredness of all human life — beginning with the infant in the womb and extending to all those vulnerable to the threat of euthanasia.” Founded by John Cardinal O’Connor in […]
In Search of Grace
“Grace” is one of those terms we often use without being quite sure of what it means. As a child, I was taught about being in a “state of grace” which meant that one hadn’t committed a mortal (a.k.a. serious) sin. As an adult, I’ve heard grace described as something we can tap into whenever […]
10 Ways to Build Creativity in the Workplace
by Donna Williams Are you a creative company? If not, would you like to become one? Good. Because here are the 10 things you should do if you are a small business and want to build a foundation of creativity that will help you grow your company for years to come. 1. Decide why you […]