Prayer to St. Faustina
2010 is the 10th Anniversary of the Canonization of St. Maria Faustina Kowalska, who was chosen by God to help promote the importance of Divine Mercy. Her feast day is October 5th. Prayer to St. Faustina Saint Faustina, You told us that you mission would continue after your death and that you would not forget […]
Prayer to St. Gianna
Saint Gianna, heroically Christlike wife, mother and physician, I ask the help of your prayers, as I strive to follow your holy example in my physical and spiritual trials. Help me, by your prayers, to recognize the suffering of the Cross as the way to pure and selfless love of God and my neighbor. May […]
Discover a Modern Day Hero of Divine Love
Most of the saints we learn about and love lived a long time ago. As much as we can study their lives and, when available, read their writings, it can be difficult to imagine them as living, breathing human beings who struggled with life. That is one reason why it is so amazing to watch […]
Book Review: “St. Gianna Beretta Molla: A Modern Day Hero of Divine Love”
St. Gianna Beretta Molla: A Modern Day Hero of Divine Love by Thomas J. McKenna San Diego: Catholic Action for Faith and Family, 2008 At the canonization of St. Gianna Beretta Molla, Pope John Paul II stated “The extreme sacrifice she sealed with her life testifies that only those who have the courage to give […]
Happy Feast of St. Anne
Today (July 26th) is the feast of St. Anne and St. Joachim, the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Grandparents of Jesus. St. Anne is one of my patron saints as I took her name as my confirmation name. I pray to her daily for help in parenting and in teaching my children. When […]
In Honor of St. Martha
St. Martha, whose feast day falls on July 29th, has something of a poor reputation. The first thing people tend to think about when they hear her name is her being chastised by the Lord. Her sister Mary was sitting at Jesus’ feet, hanging on his every word while Martha was busy doing housework and […]
Book Review: “Catherine of Siena: A Passionate Life”
Catherine of Siena: A Passionate Life By Don Brophy New York: Bluebridge, 2010 Don Brophy’s new biography of St. Catherine of Siena is subtitled “A Passionate Life.” This is truly an appropriate description of how Catherine lived. The Latin root of “passion” means to suffer or submit. In our modern day English, it implies great […]
The Value of a Spiritual Communion
When I was growing up, my mother would often make a spiritual communion and speak of its value. I didn’t really pay much attention. It was fine for her, I reasoned. After all, it couldn’t hurt. But like many of what I considered her “pre-Vatican II” practices, I didn’t put much stock in it. With […]
Prayer of St. Teresa of Avila
Let nothing disturb you, Let nothing frighten you, All things pass away: God never changes. Patience obtains all things. He who has God Finds he lacks nothing; God alone suffices.
Prayer of Hope to St. Jude
God of Hope, come to me. Help me to know that your hope is alive in me as I offer kindness, forgiveness, and tenderness to others. I seek the inner calm that comes from trusting in you. Give me the courage to be aware of your healing presence. May I trust that St. Jude walks […]