“Why Did God Make Me This Way?”
“God has created me to do Him some definite service.” Those words came from Cardinal John Henry Newman, who will be beatified this September. He continues “I have my mission. I may not know what it is in this life but I shall be told in the next. . . He has not created me […]
The Stations of the Cross and Children
I can remember being a child and dreading Palm Sunday and Good Friday. The story of the Lord’s Passion made me sick, literally. I certainly did not want to exclaim “Crucify Him!” with the crowd. I did not want to have any part of having Jesus die on the cross. Yet, I knew it was […]
Conscience 101
I think that one of the hardest things about being a Mom is the realization that I am no longer only responsible for my own soul. I am also accountable for my children’s souls as well. I have to teach them right from wrong and how to make good decisions. I need to teach them […]
The Confirmation Question
Today I overheard a very interesting conversation regarding the Sacrament of Confirmation. Two women, both involved in religious education, were discussing whether teenagers should be made to make their confirmation. They both agreed that they should. They felt that it was part of the responsibility of the parents to make sure this happens. They promised […]
Book Review: One Life
One Life: Hope, Healing and Inspiration on the Path to Recovery from Eating Disorders by Naomi Feigenbaum Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2009 When I had the opportunity to review “One Life: Hope, Healing and Inspiration on the Path to Recovery from Eating Disorders” by Naomi Feigenbaum, I did so with both interest and fear. I […]
Book Review: Sexual Wisdom for Catholic Adolescents
Sexual Wisdom for Catholic Adolescents by Richard Wetzel, M.D. Huntington Beach, CA: Sex Education for Advanced Beginners, 2009 Reviewed by Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur Note: This review contains adult material. “Sexual Wisdom for Catholic Adolescents” was written to fill a need in the realm of Catholic Sex Education. It is designed for older adolescents and covers a […]
Embracing the Need for Sleep
It is no secret that most Americans do not get enough sleep. We know that sleep is vital to our health, mood, and general ability to function, yet when life gets stressful, sleep is often the first thing to go. Sometimes this is for reasons beyond our control. Most people who have had a baby […]
The Gift of Time
Last week I had the pleasure of being part of a panel discussion on beginning homeschooling at the 1st Annual New England Catholic Homeschooling Conference. I have just finished my first year of formal homeschooling my two sons who have successfully completed 2nd and 1st grade. I am hardly what one would consider a homeschooling […]
Prayer for the Fruits of the Holy Spirit for Moms
Galatians 5:22-23 lists the fruits of the Holy Spirit. These include love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustfulness, gentleness and self-control. It seems that as mothers, we can use an extra helping of each of these. Dear Holy Spirit, Please help me to love my children even when it is hard: when it is 2 […]
Book Review- “Bless Me, Father, For I Have Kids”
We Catholics can sometimes take ourselves a little too seriously. God has a sense of humor, however, and so should we. Susie Lloyd will have mothers, especially homeschooling mothers, laughing out loud with her latest offering “Bless Me, Father, For I Have Kids” (Sophia Institute Press, 2009). Susie Lloyd is a forty-something homeschooling mother of […]